Hi! Welcome to the first news in the Next Chapter website news section! After a year with on and off planning, the project is finally taking steps forward into realization. We’re even confident enough about the progress at this point that we have made this news-section. I believe this is proof of my sincerity! :) So what will this section be for? Well, it's obviously gonna be news related to the project of some sort. But instead of catching every little step of progress (we will use social media for that), I believe it’s gonna be a place where all the small steps are summed up with some reflections from this Kito based Scandinavian. A kind of “news” meets “blog” concept. So I imagine something more like monthly posts, or maybe every second month depending on my schedule. So while the small updates and everyday life can be found on our social media, this can be a place to go a bit deeper.
As the project progresses I also want to add a section where you can learn more about Kito, as well as reasons to visit. The closer we get to open the doors of our brand new guesthouse, the more content will be found on our website. In other words, I expect the website to evolve with the project.
I think that concludes the first news for the Next Chapter news section.
There’s exciting times ahead, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with all of you.
Until next time,
Alrik Fallet Next Chapter Project Leader / The Scandinavian Golden Moose
